We select relevant cases of islamophobia relying on qualitative and quantitative aspects, and dismantle them through a detailed analysis.
Ramon Grosfoguel a prominent professor at the University of California Berkeley, has written numerous articles on the topics of ...
On 24 January, 2016 / By Fundación de Cultura IslámicaAt times, being Muslim will mean to have to explain certain things about your religious believes to the rest ...
On 15 January, 2016 / By Essraa Nawar“As feminists specialised on a variety of issues, we have been campaigning for gender equality, a fair and open ...
On 14 January, 2016 / By Fundación de Cultura IslámicaDuring the Age of Enlightenment, the French Revolution gave rights to the serfs turning them into citizens. For the ...
On 10 December, 2015 / By Pablo A. Muñoz AlconadaMayoral Arqué, defended in 2009 (read here in Spanish) that in Spain there is a hidden curriculum in the ...
On 10 December, 2015 / By Fundación de Cultura IslámicaWhy do some people have a negative image of Arabs? When do we show positive images of this people? ...
On 10 December, 2015 / By Fundación de Cultura Islámica© 2015 Fundación de Cultura Islámica | web by Trixma